

  1. Install demeter will pip or clone the repo.

  2. Download data in a certain date range.

Here is a simple example of backtesting on uniswap.

from datetime import date
from demeter import TokenInfo, Actuator, Strategy, RowData, ChainType, MarketInfo
from demeter.uniswap import UniV3Pool, UniLpMarket

class MyFirstStrategy(Strategy):

    def on_bar(self, row_data: RowData):
        if row_data.prices[eth] > 1500:
            market.add_liquidity(1000, 4000)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    usdc = TokenInfo(name="usdc", decimal=6)
    eth = TokenInfo(name="eth", decimal=18)

    pool = UniV3Pool(token0=usdc, token1=eth, fee=0.05, base_token=usdc)

    market_key = MarketInfo("U2EthPool")
    market = UniLpMarket(market_key, pool)

    market.data_path = "../data"
        start_date=date(2023, 8, 15),
        end_date=date(2023, 8, 15),

    actuator = Actuator()
    broker = actuator.broker
    broker.set_balance(usdc, 10000)
    broker.set_balance(eth, 10)


    actuator.strategy = MyFirstStrategy()


  1. In import section, you need to import classes from demeter. As we will test a strategy on uniswap, we also need to import some class from demeter.uniswap.

  2. This script will run from if __name__ == "__main__":

  3. Suppose we will backtest on usdc/eth(fee=0.05%) pool. First, we define two tokens. eth and usdc. Then the pool

  4. market_key = MarketInfo("U2EthPool") Declare a market key, which will be used to find the corresponding market in broker

  5. market = UniLpMarket(market_key, pool) Declare the market, it’s the place to invest positions.

  6. market.data_path = "../data" Set data folder for uniswap markets. data_path is the target folder path for demeter-fetch.

  7. Call market.load_data. The most important parameter is start_date and end_date. It decides the time range of backtesting. Since time range in this example is one day(1440 minutes), actuator will iterate 1440 times in backtesting.

  8. actuator = Actuator() Define actuator which controls the whole test process, and keeps backtest result.

  9. broker = actuator.broker. Actuator instance has a preset broker. Now you can set initial token balance to broker. These assets are the principal of your investment.

  10. broker.add_market(market), now broker will have a market to invest.

  11. actuator.strategy = MyFirstStrategy(), set strategy for actuator.

  12. actuator.set_price(market.get_price_from_data()). Set price. Those prices will be used in all markets. Usually, you will have to find the price list from an outer source. Luckily, Swap event log of uniswap contains price information. So UniLpMarket provides a function to retrieve a price list.

  13. actuator.run(). now start backtesting.

Now let’s look into the strategy

  1. class MyFirstStrategy(Strategy):. A strategy is a python class, and must inherit from demeter.Strategy.

  2. def on_bar(self, row_data: RowData). Override the on_bar function. This function will be called on every iteration. Because the interval of market data is minute, one iteration means one minute.

  3. Parameter row_data contains timestamp, price and market status at this minute.

  4. We make a simple strategy, if the price of eth is above 1500, then provide liquidity with all assets.

After back test, demeter will print a result in console. Those results include:

  • Final account status: Account status at the end moment of backtesting. include token balance in broker, and position value in all markets.

  • Account balance history: list the change of net value, cash, position values during backtesting. Note: the column name of market positions is combined by “market name” + “attribute name”

For more samples, check here